Ну и год. Я слушал и слушал книги. Пока шел, пока ехал, пока играл. В результате все рекорды побиты. 60 книг, и намного меньше мелкого жанра. Детективы, фантастика, триллеры, драмы, юмор и даже фэнтэзи.
Ниже список, по клику на картинку инфографика. Когда вырасту найду время и поделюсь впечатлениями о всей Тане Френч, Джонатане Франзене и головоломках Дженнис Халлетт.

The Evening News Hailey, Arthur
L.A. Confidential (L.A. Quartet, #3) Ellroy, James
The Plague Court Murders (Sir Henry Merrivale, #1) Carr, John Dickson
1984 Orwell, George
Gyilkosság lapzárta után Teas, T.O.
Deal Breaker (Myron Bolitar, #1) Coben, Harlan *
Six Years Coben, Harlan *
Career of Evil (Cormoran Strike, #3) Galbraith, Robert
Hallowe’en Party (Hercule Poirot, #41) Christie, Agatha
The Last Devil to Die (Thursday Murder Club, #4) Osman, Richard
Death at the Chateau (A Follet Valley Mystery #3) Moore, Ian *
Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray
The Financier (Trilogy of Desire, #1) Dreiser, Theodore
Dark Places Flynn, Gillian *
The Trespasser (Dublin Murder Squad, #6) French, Tana *
The Witch Elm French, Tana *
Death and Fromage (Follet Valley Mystery, #2) Moore, Ian *
The Silkworm (Cormoran Strike, #2) Galbraith, Robert
The Difference Engine Gibson, William
The Hunter (Cal Hooper, #2) French, Tana *
The Floating Admiral The Detection Club
Противостояние Semyonov, Yulian
The Searcher French, Tana *
The Cuckoo’s Calling (Cormoran Strike, #1) Galbraith, Robert
The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #5) French, Tana *
The Charity Shop Detective Agency (The Charity Shop Detective Agency #1) Boland, Peter *
The Valley of Fear (Sherlock Holmes, #7) Doyle, Arthur Conan
Broken Harbor (Dublin Murder Squad, #4) French, Tana *
Ada Dallas Williams, Wirt
Moon Over Soho (Rivers of London, #2) Aaronovitch, Ben *
Death and Croissants (A Follet Valley Mystery, #1) Moore, Ian *
The Case of Death and Honey Gaiman, Neil *
Winesburg, Ohio Anderson, Sherwood
Freedom Franzen, Jonathan
Nothing More to Tell McManus, Karen *
Faithful Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #3) French, Tana *
The Appeal (The Appeal, #1) Hallett, Janice
Death Comes to Marlow (Marlow Murder Club, #2) Thorogood, Robert
Brother and Other Stories Simak, Clifford D.
The Likeness (Dublin Murder Squad, #2) French, Tana *
Sales Pitch Dick, Philip K.
In the Woods (Dublin Murder Squad, #1) French, Tana *
The Twyford Code Hallett, Janice
The Commuter Dick, Philip K.
Orphans of the Sky Heinlein, Robert A.
The Impossible Planet Dick, Philip K.
The Hood Maker Dick, Philip K.
Ett fynd att dö för Motte, Anders de la
Leg. Forst. Simak, Clifford D.
The Marlow Murder Club (Marlow Murder Club, #1) Thorogood, Robert
Istanbul: Memories and the City Pamuk, Orhan
The Bullet That Missed (Thursday Murder Club, #3) Osman, Richard
Monday Starts on Saturday Strugatsky, Arkady
A qui perd gagne Bruce, Jean
Döden går på visning Motte, Anders de la
Not in the Book: Play Watkyn, A.
Purity Franzen, Jonathan
TASS is Authorized to Announce… (Vitaly Slavin, #1) Semyonov, Yulian
The Dream: a Hercule Poirot Short Story (Hercule Poirot, #SS-38) Christie, Agatha
The Nine Tailors (Lord Peter Wimsey, #11) Sayers, Dorothy L.
Wszystko czerwone Chmielewska, Joanna
Two Thumb a Ride Chase, James Hadley
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