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PS. 10 things to do while Gmail is down

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10 Things To Do While Twitter is Down

Yes, it happens, Twitter goes down, or wonky or kaput. Whatever you call it, your favorite social networking tool is not there for you, so now what? Here’s a few suggestions.

1. Rediscover that book you bought at Amazon and never read. Yes, the one on 100 things to do online.
2. Visit with your kid. Yes, the one you just realized graduated high school.
3. Mow your lawn. Oh, you forgot that your house has a front yard? It’s out there, calling your name.
4. Give your fingers and the rest of you a rest; kick back and have a tequila or your beverage of choice. What? You have those all the time? Well this time, try enjoying it offline, perhaps on a sun drenched porch.
5. Take some pictures. Don’t have a full blown camera? Use your cell phone. Rediscover the fun of annoying your spouse, kids, cousins, neighbors or dog. Snap away.

Hmm, that’s only 5. Well how about helping me fill in the rest? Give me your list of things to do when Twitter is down for the count.